Our Zoom based school visits by a facilitator are still possible but the number of dates availible are quite limited. Our new video presentation service might be a more convenient option for your school or organisation.
Booking a Zoom Schools Workshops is now handled through our new scheduling system HERE. We are now using Calendly to ensure that the scheduling issues from earlier in the year are fixed. Please note that all bookings are provisional until we confirm the date with you which usually will be within a day.
The workshops are now automatically scheduled for 40 minutes but this can be tailored to the length of a class such as 35 or 45 minutes
After you schedule a workshop we will email you with Zoom meeting information so that you can pre-prepare your PC or laptop for the webinar.
To prepare for the Zoom workshop we do ask that:
Please use the form below to make a Zoom school workshop booking enquiry with our facilitators.
All bookings are scheduled provisionally and we will normally be able to confirm a booking with you within 1 working days. If your preferred dates is not available we will contact you to discuss alternatives.
If you would like more information or have any queries about the programme you can contact us by phone on 1800 828 888 or by email to admin@yspi.ie
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